News Flash

Legislative District 11

Posted on: July 14, 2021

DeRiggi-Whitton Congratulates Order Sons and Daughters of Italy Loggia 1016 Scholarship Honorees

DeRiggi-Whitton - OSIA scholarships 2021

(GLEN COVE, N.Y.) - Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D - Glen Cove) joined Order Sons and Daughters of Italy Loggia Glen Cove No. 1016 on Wednesday, July 7 to congratulate the Sons of Italy 2021 award and scholarship recipients. This year’s honorees were: John Stanco, Andrew Flood, Noemy Annunziato, Angelica Abbondandolo, Roarke Creedon, Lucas Castle and Michael Morra. Scholarships were presented by both the local Glen Cove branch and the New York Grand Lodge Foundation. 

“Each of these students earned their scholarships through their academic achievements and commitment to embracing and celebrating their Italian heritage,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “Thank you to Order Sons and Daughters of Italy Loggia Glen Cove No. 1016 for hosting a wonderful event that celebrates the accomplishments of these impressive young people in our community!”

PHOTO CREDIT - Office of Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton

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