News Flash

Legislative District 11

Posted on: October 13, 2021

DeRiggi-Whitton Joins St. John’s of Lattingtown for Parish’s 68th Annual Country Fair

DeRiggi-Whitton - St John of Lattingtown Fall Fair 3DeRiggi-Whitton - St John of Lattingtown Fall Fair 1

(LOCUST VALLEY, N.Y.) - Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D - Glen Cove) joined parishioners and community members at St. John’s of Lattingtown Church on Friday, Sept. 25 to commemorate the start of their 68th annual Country Fair. The three-day event included an opening celebration and vendor showcase; a family-friendly fair on the grounds; and a special Parish Appreciation Day. Funds raised through the three-day event will be dedicated to supporting the church’s outreach programs.

“For nearly seven decades, St. John’s of Lattingtown has brought our community together each autumn for an event that celebrates the changing of the seasons and sows the seeds for their future philanthropic efforts,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “It was wonderful to catch up with everyone at the parish and thank them for all they do to ensure that this cherished tradition remains strong and vibrant for future generations.

PHOTO CREDIT - Office of Peter M. Budraitis

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